Monday 13 June 2011

Racheal Amanda McGonigal's side to this character assassination.

I have tried to hold back from attacking Michelle Webster or Michelle Robertson personally but this is my response to her vile personal attack on my character. Alas she has it up on here and while I had another one pulled down because it was defamatory, libelous and contained what the NZ Police indentified as a physical threat of violence, blogspot will not remove unless with a Court order.

Quite why she has attacked me in the way she has is beyond me really as I had only ever met her once and dont know her. I freely admit I dont know her and to be honest, with what I do know of her, I dont want to know her.

This attack on myself is so full of errors and lies, it is unbelieveable. She has no proof of anything as there is none. Had she done a decent job of 'due dilligence' when she was rushing into buy Chicago Gentlemans Club, perhaps she may not have looked such a fool as she does now with these bitter ramblings. Had she approached myself re what the deals I had with the landlord were, instead of going on just what she was told by the landlord or Hugo or Logan she may not now look like a bitter twisted sore old loser.

Michelle can call me all the foul mouth names she likes which really just go to prove her upbringing that she lays open claim to on her personal website and has openly told others. Dragged up on the streets of Kings Cross, a hench man for the Mob involved in hits, involved with the Outlaw Motercycle Gang in NZ, a mercenary, proud to show pictures of herself brandishing a Colt firearm, known for street fighting and violence.

This attack on myself seems to show clearly deminshed mental capacity. She went into where a friend of mine works the other day, drunk and sounded off about me to my friend and another. This was in her place of work. A clinic in a hospital. She is a definite loose cannon with a woobly wheel or three.

I cannot understand any other reason for Michelle to be attacking me as she has with these wild false accusations then mental health issues and jealousy. Yes I do believe jealousy is a huge motivation in this.
Jealous because
  • I have had GRS,
  • I have been able to look alot better than her,
  • I openned Auckland's first ever tanssexual Parlour,
  • I have spoken out and stood up for transsexual issues and escorts,
  • I spoke to her partner (at that time) and I found her nice. (Nothing sexual)
  • I make friends easily in the real world.
  • I am accepted well in the real world.
My one and only meeting with Michelle was at an Auckland bar. Her then partner, 'S' was working there.
I sat out side having a smoke with 'S' then a pre op TS and chatting for sometime. She seemed nice and I guess we chatted about my GRS and 'S's desire to have GRS at sometime. Michelle came and sat with me when 'S' went back to work. Michelle regailed me with stories of her gangster days in Kings Cross and how she had done 'hits' for her gangster boss back then. How when 'S' had run away from Michelle with a man, she had gone and got her back. How she put out a contract on the guy to have him knee capped. Friends tell me she has told them the same.

Scary nutcase crap that I decided there and then, I never wanted anything more to do with. 'S' has left her 3 times that I know of and twice Michelle has gone and got her back. I have only used 'S' here because I do have to wonder what sort of pressure Michelle has put on 'S'. I believed then that Michelle was jealous of my getting on with 'S' and she attempted to intimidate me. Well she never did, I just dont wish to associate with people like that, so gave her a wide berth ever since.

Her rants about my involvment in supposedly trying to scam her, is so full of holes and inaccuracies, that even if the spelling doesnt make you laugh, the rest will. I leased 2 floors at 25 Cross street. The rent I negotiated was a third more then the Club below paid for half the size. I had a 3 month rent holiday. Hardly 'draconian'. I had a second deal where by I owned all the chattels but after paying an intial $4000 and all the GST, had a 6 month holiday before paying the rest off over the following 2.5years. The agreed price for the chattels totalled $79,000, however on doing a stock take on takeover, I discovered many listed chattels where not there and this was agreed to by the Landlord. We had told the Landlord we were reducing the values of the chattels by some $20,000.

I sent Michelle 1 email on NZ Dating, not several when I was angry at finding the slander. That message still did not contain the vile language and errors Michelle has shown. There was nothing sexual in it as I have more taste and class than her. I am seeking a man and not a cross dresser.

I have never owned or been involved in any company named 'Calypso Ltd.' I dont know what Hugo and Logan offered Michelle. When I sold the lease and the chattels on to Hugo and Logan, I had a revised list of chattels that was signed off by Hugo and Logan as all present and accounted for. The value of chattels showed the revised figure. I was in the process of doing alterations of the 'gangbang' room, to make it into a seperate bedroom, Hugo and Logan were well aware of this, happy to take it over at the time. I had tried numerous times to contact the Landlord, but he refused to return calls and emails.

My rent was fully paid up, the Landlord had made no attempt to get us out.

When I sold to Hugo and Logan, they made another deal with the Landlord. What that was and what they tried to sell on to Michelle, I have no idea. I suspect that they had reverted back to the Landlords chattels list. If Michelle, in doing a proper 'due diligence' had approached me, I likely could have and would have opennly helped her to understand. The first I knew that Michelle was buying into it was a converstaion with 'S' sitting outside the doorway, selling her wares. She told me that they had signed for it and were taking it over the next day - done deal.

I do know alot of chattels were removed from the premises by I guess possibly Hugo, Logan or perhaps even Michelle. I was no part of it.

So why am I firing back? These defamitory and libelous attacks Michelle has put up about me attack my credibility badly. They show up if my name is googled. They attack my good character. Should a potential employer find them, they will be highly damaging to me. They are nothing more in reality than a sour, bitter, twisted, demented tranny with a violent history sounding off.

More can be read about this here